Categories 2025

New Categories for 2025 are marked ‘NEW’

General (Open to all)

  • Media Campaign – Large
  • Media Campaign: Medium
  • Media Campaign: Niche – NEW
  • Best Collaboration Agency & Media Owner: Large
  • Best Collaboration Agency & Media Owner: Intermediate
  • Best Collaboration Agency & Media Owner: Niche – NEW
  • Best Use of Irish Language – NEW
  • Best Use of Social Activation Content/Creative – NEW
  • Best Use of Multi Channel Activation Content/Creative – NEW
  • Best Use of AI – NEW
  • Best Use of Retail Media – NEW
  • Best International Campaign – NEW
  • Best Use of Regional Media (NEW)
  • Best Research Initiative
  • Best Sustainability Initiative
  • Best Use of Audio
  • Best Use of AV
  • Best Use of Cross-Platform Out of Home
  • Best Use of National Print and Digital
  • Best Use of Sponsorship
Media Campaign – Large

Scale: This category looks at campaigns with a media budget of over €150,000 (Ex VAT)

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE

This Category follows the General (Campaign Based) Entry Template.

Media Campaign: Medium

This category looks at campaigns with a media budget of between €50,000 and €150,000 (Ex VAT)

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE

This Category follows the General (Campaign Based) Entry Template

Media Campaign: Niche – NEW

This category looks at campaigns with a media budget of under €50,000 (Ex VAT)

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

This Category follows the General (Campaign Based) Entry Template.

Best Collaboration Agency & Media Owner: Large

Collaboration is hugely important when creating successful solutions to client’s business needs.

This category will recognise campaigns and projects that have been successful as a direct result of the co-operation between media agency and media owner(s).

More than one media owner is completely acceptable.  Make sure that all relevant media owners are credited on the entry form and outline the specific contribution of each.

Make reference to how collaboration impacted the results of the campaign and drove insight, fit with the client brand strategy, targeting and execution and demonstrate the impact on the results of the work.

Scale: This category looks at campaigns with a media budget of over €150,000 (Ex VAT)

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

Up to 5 examples of content / creative can be uploaded to support your submission.

This Category follows the General (Campaign Based) Entry Template.

Best Collaboration Agency & Media Owner: Intermediate

Collaboration is hugely important when creating successful solutions to client’s business needs.

This category will recognise campaigns and projects that have been successful as a direct result of the co-operation between media agency and media owner(s).

More than one media owner is completely acceptable.  Make sure that all relevant media owners are credited on the entry form and outline the specific contribution of each.

Make reference to how collaboration impacted the results of the campaign and drove insight, fit with the client brand strategy, targeting and execution and demonstrate the impact on the results of the work.

Scale: This category looks at campaigns with a media budget of between €50,000 and €150,000 (Ex VAT)

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

Up to 5 examples of content / creative can be uploaded to support your submission.

This Category follows the General (Campaign Based) Entry Template.

Best Collaboration Agency & Media Owner: Niche – NEW

Collaboration is hugely important when creating successful solutions to client’s business needs.

This category will recognise campaigns and projects that have been successful as a direct result of the co-operation between media agency and media owner(s).

More than one media owner is completely acceptable.  Make sure that all relevant media owners are credited on the entry form and outline the specific contribution of each.

Make reference to how collaboration impacted the results of the campaign and drove insight, fit with the client brand strategy, targeting and execution and demonstrate the impact on the results of the work.

Scale: This category looks at campaigns with a media budget of between €50,000 (Ex VAT)

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE

Up to 5 examples of content / creative can be uploaded to support your submission.

This Category follows the General (Campaign Based) Entry Template.

Best Use of Irish Language – NEW

Is féidir le húsáid na Gaeilge i straitéis cumarsáide cur go suntasach le nasc branda le tomhaltóirí Éireannacha trí bharántúlacht a chur in iúl, trí mhórtas cultúrtha a chothú, agus b’fhéidir go méadófaí dílseacht custaiméirí, go háirithe ina measc siúd a bhfuil meas acu ar an teanga agus a caomhnú. D’fhéadfadh dearcadh/rannpháirtíocht níos dearfaí feachtais a bheith mar thoradh air seo agus d’fhéadfadh go gcuirfí leis an rathúlacht, ar fud na hÉireann ar fad (agus ní i réigiúin Ghaeltachta amháin). Tugann an chatagóir seo luach saothair d’fheachtais a úsáideann an Ghaeilge go príomha (ach ní gá go heisiach).

Caithfidh feachtais a bheith gníomhach i bPoblacht na hÉireann agus/nó i dTuaisceart Éireann idir 1 Eanáir 2024 agus 14 Márta 2025.

Tá an chatagóir seo oscailte do chách.

Cuirfear iontrálacha isteach ar líne agus leanfar go docht leis an struchtúr atá leagtha amach san fhoirm iontrála ar líne.  Le haghaidh sainchritéir iontrála agus treoir maidir le d’iontráil a ullmhú féach an teimpléad iontrála samplach ANSEO.

Is féidir suas le 5 shampla d’ábhar / cruthaitheach a uaslódáil chun tacú le d’aighneacht.

Leanann an Chatagóir seo an teimpléad don Úsáid is Fearr don Úsáid is Fearr as an nGaeilge.


Using the Irish language in a communication strategy can significantly enhance a brand’s connection with Irish consumers by conveying authenticity, fostering cultural pride, and potentially increasing customer loyalty, particularly among those who value the language and its preservation. This can lead to a more positive campaign perception/ engagement and potentially boost success, across all of Ireland (and not just Gaeltacht regions). This category rewards campaigns that predominantly (but not necessarily exclusively) use the Irish language.

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

Up to 5 examples of content / creative can be uploaded to support your submission.

This Category follows the Best Use of Best Use of Irish Language template.

Best Use of Social Activation Content/Creative – NEW

A successful social media strategy involves understanding your target audience segmentation, selecting the right platforms, creating engaging content, consistently interacting with the audience, setting clear goals, tracking results, and adapting the approach based on data, whilst building a community around your brand.  This category rewards the application of creative thinking to audience understanding, the interplay of the social media channels and all branded / creative assets within a successful campaign.

The entry can cover any aspect of activity that is exclusive to social channels only.

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

Up to 5 examples of content / creative can be uploaded to support your submission.

This Category follows the Best Use of Social Activation Content/Creative template.

Best Use of Multi Channel Activation Content/Creative – NEW

Right Time, Right Place: Great content and creativity in crafting the message are intrinsically linked to media insight, strategy and context. This category rewards the application of creative, disruptive thinking to audience understanding, the interplay of each and all media channels and all branded / creative assets within a successful campaign.

The entry can cover any aspect of activity and can be single or multimedia.

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

Up to 5 examples of content / creative can be uploaded to support your submission.

This Category follows the Best Use of Multi-Channel Activation Content/Creative template.

Best Use of AI – NEW

This award focuses on demonstrating innovation, measurable impact, and alignment with campaign objectives. Below are key criteria to structure your entry:

Overall, you will need to demonstrate how AI contributed to achieving the campaign’s goals (e.g., driving awareness, increasing engagement, improving ROI). Explaining how AI was integrated into an overall campaign strategy or how it was developed as a standalone activation. A critical component is to clearly demonstrate what specific AI tools and techniques were used to deliver against your goals. Please explain in detail how you leverage the capabilities of AI across either personalisation, engagement, content execution.

For effectiveness, please provide data showing how AI improved campaign performance across your chosen campaign objectives – Increased ROI or Sales, Higher Engagement Rates (e.g. clicks, likes, shares, dwell time), enhanced audience retention. And, how did AI contribute to achieving your overall KPIs?

It is also important that you demonstrate your use of AI was transparent and ethical. And finally, how do you see scaling AI for future campaigns?

By addressing these criteria in your entry, you can effectively demonstrate the strategic, creative, and measurable value of AI in your media campaign.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

This Category follows the Best Use of Best Use of AI template.

Best Use of Retail Media – NEW

In partnership with dunnhumby

Retail media can inspire shoppers, sharpen media plans with targeting and personalisation and convert key customers at the point of purchase. Here we focus on the customer’s journey from first learning about a product to making a purchase with a seamless retail media campaign. The best use of retail media may leverage first-party customer data to deliver highly personal, relevant ads to shoppers, across both online and in-store channels, allowing brands to target specific customer segments with tailored messaging based on their shopping behaviours, and ultimately driving higher conversion rates and sales lift.

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

This Category follows the Best Use of Retail Media Template

Best International Campaign – NEW

This category recognises a client, agency or media owner for an international (outside the island of Ireland) cross-platform media campaign, with particular recognition for work that goes beyond a single campaign and has lasting impact. The judges will be looking for work that demonstrates:

  • Strategic thinking in terms of audience segmentation and selection of channel mix.
  • Breadth of innovation in methods of implementation.
  • Effectiveness:  business results, with particular recognition for medium-term and long-term impact beyond a single campaign.
  • Partnership: identifying and highlighting ongoing and future collaborations.

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

This Category follows the Best International Campaign Template

Best Use of Regional Media (NEW)

This category celebrates any type of media campaign, which employs significant use of regional media channels and/or specific regional targeting across the Island of Ireland. The judges will be looking for work that demonstrates:

  • Strategic thinking in terms of regional audience segmentation and selection of channel mix.
  • Breadth of innovation in methods of implementation.
  • Effectiveness:  business results, with particular recognition for medium-term and long-term impact beyond a single campaign.

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

This Category follows the Best Use of Regional Media

Best Research Initiative

Good quality research provides evidence that is robust, stands up to scrutiny and can be used to inform the comms/media strategy. It should adhere to principles of professionalism, transparency, accountability and auditability. This category looks for research activity that has uncovered insight(s) that have informed and led to a successful media campaign.

The research does NOT necessarily have to be a new research technique but rather it should uncover an understanding that has led to unlocking advantage for your clients’ approach and business success.

Demonstrable results are key here

Research initiatives must have been carried out in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

This Category follows the Research Initiative Entry Template.

Best Sustainability Initiative

Respecting our ambitions for our industry to come together and reach net zero by end of 2030, this Category is open to all organisations and looks to recognise and reward a change, campaign, project or event (internal or external) that has enhanced the environmental credentials of the company or brand.

Entries should demonstrate

  1. An understanding of the company’s/brand’s responsibility towards the environment
  2. The impact of the movement on the business
  3. The measured success in relation to the objectives and expectations.

Key Areas of Evaluation

Entries must perform well in several critical areas:

  1. Environmental Practices: This involves reducing carbon emissions, managing waste, and using renewable energy.
  2. Social Impact: How the initiative affects employees, customers, and community, including work practices and community engagement.
  3. Governance and Ethics: Evaluating the company’s governance and ethical standards.
  4. Innovation: recognising new and effective approaches to environmental sustainability.

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

Up to 5 examples of content / creative can be uploaded to support your submission.

This Category follows the Best Sustainability Initiative Template.

Best Use of Audio

In partnership with Radiocentre Ireland

The Audio campaign will be best in class, driving innovation and understanding of how cross-platform Audio complements and works alongside other media to deliver more successful communications results. The entry should illustrate an understanding of the changing Audio landscape and showcase any or all properties such as Airtime, Sponsorship, Promotions, Contextual Creative, Digital Audio etc. The use of measurement tools will also be important.

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

Up to 5 examples of content / creative can be uploaded to support your submission.

This Category follows the Best Use of Audio Entry Template.

Best Use of AV

In Partnership with TAM Ireland

This category looks for campaigns that are best in class, driving innovation and understanding how TV-led AV complements and works alongside other media to deliver more successful communications results.  The entry should also illustrate an understanding of the changing AV landscape and the results that can be derived from putting a TV lead strategy at the heart of your plan.

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

Up to 5 examples of content / creative can be uploaded to support your submission.

This Category follows the Best Use of AV Entry Template.

Best Use of Cross-Platform Out of Home

The cross-platform Out of Home campaigns will be best in class, driving innovation and understanding of how all OOH and DOOH platforms complement and work alongside other media to deliver more successful communications results. The entry should illustrate an understanding of the changing OOH landscape and showcase any use of measurement tools.

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

Up to 5 examples of content / creative can be uploaded to support your submission.

This Category follows the Best Use of Cross-Platform Out of Home Entry Template.

Best Use of National Print and Digital

The Cross-Platform use of Print and Digital campaigns will be best in class, driving innovation and understanding of how National Print and Digital platforms complement and work alongside other media to deliver more successful communications results. The entry should illustrate an understanding of the changing National Print and Digital landscape and showcase any use of measurement tools.

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

Up to 5 examples of content / creative can be uploaded to support your submission.

This Category follows the Best Use of National Print and Digital Entry Template.

Best Use of Sponsorship

In this category the judges are looking for stand out examples of how sponsorship and/or product placement matches the brand with the vehicle used and how this collective fits with the client brand strategy, is well targeted and executed and can demonstrate its impact and results.

Campaigns must have been active in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025

This category is open to all.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

This Category follows the General (Campaign Based) Entry Template.

Agency Only

  • Media Agency of the Year (ROI or NI)
Media Agency of the Year (ROI or NI)

The Media Agency of the Year in partnership with DMG Media Ireland will be decided based on a specific set of criteria

To be considered for Agency of the year, entrants must have submitted a minimum of two entries into other categories in the 2025 Media Awards

25% of the marks for Media Agency of the Year will be awarded based on shortlisting and success (Gold, Silver, Bronze) in the 2025 Awards.

Details of the specific criteria are contained in the Media Agency of the Year entry template.

This category is open to all Media Agencies based  in the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.


Media Owner Only

  • Sales Team of the Year
  • Media Brand of the Year
Sales Team of the Year

The Sales Team of the Year will be decided based on a specific set of criteria.

Details of the specific criteria are contained in the Sales Team of the Year template.

To be considered for Sales Team of the Year, entrants must have submitted a minimum of two entries into other categories in the 2025 Media Awards

25% of the marks for Sales Team of the Year will be awarded based on shortlisting and success (Gold, Silver, Bronze) in the 2025 Awards.

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry templates HERE.

This Category follows the SALES TEAM OF THE YEAR entry template.

Media Brand of the Year

This award recognises the outstanding media brand on the Island of Ireland.

For the purposes of clarity, Media Brand refers to the brand as a commercial offering, delivering audiences to advertisers.

The judges will look for evidence of brand development, delivery to agencies and advertisers, success within the media marketplace and influence on media practice.

Details of the specific criteria are contained in the Media Brand of the Year template.

The final result will be weighted 50/50 based on the written submission and the live presentation.

This Category is open to all media owners operating on the Island of Ireland between Jan 1st 2024 and March 14th 2025.

This Category follows the MEDIA BRAND OF THE YEAR entry template. HERE.

Media Trailblazer

  • Media Trailblazer
Media Trailblazer

In Partnership with Bauer Media Audio Ireland

The Media Trailblazer award replaces the  Media Hero Award for 2025 and beyond

This person will be selected by the organisers and will be someone who has indeed blazed a trail in the Media Industry either in Ireland or abroad.

The Media Trailblazer will not be bound by age or other demographics but will be selected on their achievements and contribution to the industry.

The Media Trailblazer will be announced at the Awards dinner on May 8th 2025

Rising Star

  • Rising Star
Rising Star

In Partnership with Mediahuis

This category is looking to the new bright lights within the media industry who have a total of less than 5 years working with agencies and/or media owners.

This category is open to all.

The Rising Star is someone who has made a significant and exceptional contribution to their business and to the industry as a whole.

Entries will be accepted from the candidate themselves OR 3rd parties.

The candidates line manager should include a supporting statement with their entry

A supporting statement by the candidates line manager (max 200 words) should also be included.

This category is open to all staff of media agencies and media owners that have worked in the marketing communications industry for a maximum of 5 years in total on March 14th 2025

Entries will be submitted online and will strictly follow the structure laid out in the online entry form.  For specific entry criteria and guidance on preparing your entry see the sample entry template HERE.

This Category follows the RISING STAR Entry Template.